Sunday, November 18, 2007

Buy Handmade this Holiday Season

I Took The Handmade Pledge!

Everyone everywhere should take the above pledge to combat impersonal, mass-produced, overpriced gifts made at low cost in another country by some murky corporation. Most people know that is where a lot of stores' products come from, but in the mid-December time crunch, most of us end up buying what is easily found.
The trick to avoiding the mall this year is to find out where to buy these elusive handmade gifts that can't be picked up just anywhere. So when a blog, like this one, mentions a craft show in the area, it's a golden announcement to be marked on your calender. It feels truly satisfying to buy a beautiful one-of-a-kind item from an artist sitting in front of you. This is the feeling of community, and the unique glow that comes from valuing someone else's creation. No one makes and sells handmade items who doesn't truly love their craft. I know what this sounds like, but this passion is the secret recipe in every handmade gift, and (along with the global-economic factors) why this pledge is worth keeping. So don't forget to come by the Astoria Craft Collective's Handmade Holiday at Waltz on December 2nd, especially if you're already in the area.

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